Package: qtl2 0.37-5

Karl W Broman

qtl2: Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping in Experimental Crosses

Provides a set of tools to perform quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in experimental crosses. It is a reimplementation of the 'R/qtl' package to better handle high-dimensional data and complex cross designs. Broman et al. (2019) <doi:10.1534/genetics.118.301595>.

Authors:Karl W Broman [aut, cre], R Core Team [ctb]

qtl2.pdf |qtl2.html
qtl2/json (API)

# Install 'qtl2' in R:
install.packages('qtl2', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3




9.48 score 34 stars 5 packages 1.1k scripts 755 downloads 9 mentions 135 exports 21 dependencies

Last updated 1 days agofrom:5d1d380d36. Checks:12 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 09 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKMar 09 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKMar 09 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add thresholds to genome scan plotadd_threshold
Basic summaries of a cross2 objectbasic_summaries chr_names covar_names founders ind_ids ind_ids_covar ind_ids_geno ind_ids_gnp ind_ids_pheno marker_names n_chr n_covar n_founders n_ind n_ind_covar n_ind_geno n_ind_gnp n_ind_pheno n_mar n_pheno n_phenocovar phenocovar_names pheno_names tot_mar
Batch columns by pattern of missing valuesbatch_cols
Split vector into batchesbatch_vec
Calculate Bayes credible intervalsbayes_int
Calculate entropy of genotype probability distributioncalc_entropy
Calculate genotyping error LOD scorescalc_errorlod
Calculate genotype frequenciescalc_geno_freq
Calculate conditional genotype probabilitiescalc_genoprob
Calculate indicators of which marker/pseudomarker positions are along a fixed gridcalc_grid
Calculate heterozygositiescalc_het
Calculate kinship matrixcalc_kinship
Calculate founder minor allele frequencies from raw SNP genotypescalc_raw_founder_maf
Calculate genotype frequencies from raw SNP genotypescalc_raw_geno_freq
Calculate estimated heterozygosity from raw SNP genotypescalc_raw_het
Calculate minor allele frequency from raw SNP genotypescalc_raw_maf
Calculate strain distribution pattern from SNP genotypescalc_sdp
Combine matrices by columns, expanding and aligning rowscbind_expand
Join genotype probabilities for different chromosomescbind.calc_genoprob
Join genome scan results for different phenotypes.cbind.scan1
Combine columns from multiple scan1 permutation resultscbind.scan1perm
Join genotype imputations for different chromosomescbind.sim_geno
Join viterbi results for different chromosomescbind.viterbi
Collaborative Cross colorsCCaltcolors CCcolors CCorigcolors
Check a cross2 objectcheck_cross2
Chi-square test on all pairs of columnschisq_colpairs
Calculate chromosome lengthschr_lengths
Clean an objectclean
Clean genotype probabilitiesclean.calc_genoprob clean_genoprob
Clean scan1 outputclean.scan1 clean_scan1
Compare founders genotype datacompare_founder_geno
Compare individuals' genotype datacompare_geno
Compare two sets of genotype probabilitiescompare_genoprob
Compare two marker mapscompare_maps
Convert R/qtl cross object to new formatconvert2cross2
Count numbers of crossoverscount_xo
Create a function to query genescreate_gene_query_func
Create snp information table for a crosscreate_snpinfo
Create a function to query variantscreate_variant_query_func
Calculate eigen decomposition of kinship matrixdecomp_kinship
Drop markers from a cross2 objectdrop_markers
Drop markers with no genotype datadrop_nullmarkers
Estimate heritability with a linear mixed modelest_herit
Estimate genetic mapsest_map
Find markers with identical genotype datafind_dup_markers
Find IBD segments for a set of strainsfind_ibd_segments
Find name of indexed snpfind_index_snp
Find gaps in a genetic mapfind_map_gaps
Find markers by chromosome positionfind_marker
Find positions of markersfind_markerpos
Find peaks in a set of LOD curvesfind_peaks
Fit single-QTL model at a single positionfit1
Read a csv filefread_csv
Read a csv file that has numeric columnsfread_csv_numer
Convert genotype probabilities to allele probabilitiesgenoprob_to_alleleprob
Convert genotype probabilities to SNP probabilitiesgenoprob_to_snpprob
Get common set of IDs from objectsget_common_ids
Get X chromosome covariatesget_x_covar
Guess phase of imputed genotypesguess_phase
Create index of equivalent SNPsindex_snps
Insert pseudomarkers into a marker mapinsert_pseudomarkers
Interpolate genotype probabilitiesinterp_genoprob
Interpolate between mapsinterp_map
Calculate SNP genotype matrix from strain distribution patternsinvert_sdp
Locate crossoverslocate_xo
Calculate LOD support intervalslod_int
Subset a map to positions on a gridmap_to_grid
Define strata based on rows of a matrixmat2strata
Find pair with most similar genotypesmax.compare_geno max_compare_geno
Find position with maximum LOD scoremax.scan1 max_scan1
Overall maximum LOD scoremaxlod
Find genotypes with maximum marginal probabilitiesmaxmarg
Count missing genotypesn_missing n_typed
Plot QTL effects along chromosomeplot.scan1coef plot_coef plot_coefCC
Plot of compare_geno object.plot.compare_geno plot_compare_geno
Plot gene locations for a genomic intervalplot_genes
Plot genotype probabilities for one individual on one chromosome.plot.calc_genoprob plot_genoprob
Plot comparison of two sets of genotype probabilitiesplot_genoprobcomp
Plot LOD scores vs QTL peak locationsplot_lodpeaks
Plot one individual's genome-wide genotypesplot_onegeno
Plot QTL peak locationsplot_peaks
Plot phenotype vs genotypeplot_pxg
Plot a genome scanplot.scan1 plot_scan1
plot strain distribution patterns for SNPsplot_sdp
Plot SNP associationsplot_snpasso
Predict SNP genotypespredict_snpgeno
Print a cross2 objectprint.cross2
Print summary of scan1perm permutationsprint.summary.scan1perm
Subset genotype probability array to pseudomarkers on a gridprobs_to_grid
Pull genotype probabilities for an intervalpull_genoprobint
Pull genotype probabilities for a particular positionpull_genoprobpos
Drop all but a specified set of markerspull_markers
Installed version of R/qtl2qtl2version
Join genotype probabilities for different individualsrbind.calc_genoprob
Join genome scan results for different chromosomes.rbind.scan1
Combine data from scan1perm objectsc.scan1perm rbind.scan1perm
Join genotype imputations for different individualsrbind.sim_geno
Join Viterbi results for different individualsrbind.viterbi
Read QTL data from filesread_cross2
Read phenotype dataread_pheno
Recode SNPs by major allelerecode_snps
Reduce the lengths of gaps in a mapreduce_map_gaps
Reduce markers to a subset of more-evenly-spaced onesreduce_markers
Replace individual IDsreplace_ids replace_ids.calc_genoprob replace_ids.cross2 replace_ids.matrix replace_ids.sim_geno replace_ids.viterbi
Scale kinship matrixscale_kinship
Genome scan with a single-QTL modelscan1
Calculate BLUPs of QTL effects in scan along one chromosomescan1blup
Calculate QTL effects in scan along one chromosomescan1coef
Maximum LOD score from genome scan with a single-QTL modelscan1max
Permutation test for genome scan with a single-QTL modelscan1perm
Single-QTL genome scan at imputed SNPsscan1snps
Convert strain distribution patterns to character stringssdp2char
Simulate genotypes given observed marker datasim_geno
Smooth genetic mapsmooth_gmap
Subset scan1 outputsubset.scan1 subset_scan1
Subsetting genotype probabilitiessubset.calc_genoprob [.calc_genoprob
Subsetting data for a QTL experimentsubset.cross2 [.cross2
Subsetting imputed genotypessubset.sim_geno [.sim_geno
Subsetting Viterbi resultssubset.viterbi [.viterbi
Basic summary of compare_geno objectprint.summary.compare_geno summary.compare_geno summary_compare_geno
Summarize scan1perm resultssummary.scan1perm summary_scan1perm
Summary of cross2 objectsummary.cross2
Create table of top snp associationstop_snps
Unsmooth genetic mapunsmooth_gmap
Calculate most probable sequence of genotypesviterbi
Write a control file for QTL datawrite_control_file
Get x-axis position for genomic locationxpos_scan1
Zip a set of data fileszip_datafiles